Tuesday, 7 August 2012

I Love A Good Thunderstorm

I've been experimenting recently trying out different nail varnishes and nail patterns.  Some are quite messy and some just turn out crap, but I'm getting better! Here are my nails of the week:

What I used:

I love the weather at the moment!  For example, today it was thundering but it was also sunny, and there was a really bright rainbow outside my house.  It was so pretty.  I love thunderstorms!  Perfect walking weather!


  1. Love the nails! And I love a good thunderstorm too, we get wicked ones in the BVI! x
    Island Girl Insights ♥

  2. They look so good!x

    Check out my blog: www.zsummerton.blogspot.co.uk

  3. The colours are really lovely together! x

    Ps. I'm currently hosting a GIVEAWAY right now on my blog for a gorgeous pair of Galaxy Print Leggings by Rags For Bitches!

  4. I love the combination of the green and metallic one :)
    oh btw I nominated your for the Versatile blog award because I love your blog.
    do check it out~

