Friday, 31 August 2012

New Hair New Hair!!

My local hairdressers was doing a deal where you take along your own box of hair dye, they match up the colour and give you a choice of a few, and then dye your hair in the chosen colour.  Just for £15!  Of course I snapped up an appointment quickly.  I always dye my own hair because I'm happy with the way it looks when I do it, but also because having your hair done at the hairdressers is very expensive, especially for a poor student like me.  But at just £15 I couldn't resist!

I went along there today with the intention of becoming blonde.  But after the advice of the hairdresser I chose a coppery/reddish colour.  It's quite different to my usual mahogany colour, but I quite like it.  It just needs some getting used to!  I got quite a bit chopped off the bottom too.

This is what my hair looked like before.

I'm very sad summer is coming to an end.  Not that we've had much of a summer here in England this year but now it's getting colder I can start wearing boots and warmer footwear which I love.  I wore my Converse today which are one of my favourite pairs of shoes but I don't wear them very often so thought I would give them an airing.

Top: Topshop
Hoodie: Republic
Jeans: River Island
Converse: Were a present 

 Last night I went karting which was a lot of fun!  Although now today I am quite achey.  Tonight I am off to see Total Recall.  Wednesday night I went to see The Expendables 2.  Tomorrow I am off to watch some paralympics.  Sunday I have a family dinner and then am off to move into my new University house.  I'm so busy, busy, busy and I still need to do some last minute packing for Uni, preparing for my placement and complete an assignment! AHHHHH!!


  1. Replies
    1. It is a really good idea! Definitely a good way to attract more customers!

  2. Where are going to work for your placement?? ^^ and btw love your Converse!

    1. I will be working in a hospital in the x-ray department :)
      Thank you!

  3. I LOVE the new 'do! The color is wonderful -- vibrant, full of life and fun! I hope you enjoy it!
    I found your site on the Blog Hop over at I hope I'll see you come by and visit Simply Chic For You sometime.
    Have a great weekend! And really rock your new look! :)

  4. Your Hair looks awesome doll xx Found & Now following your beautiful blog from Blog Hoppn':)

    Sara xx Check out this months Dior Give-Away.

  5. That's a lovely colour, also the shape looks like it would flatter your face. It would be awful it you hate it!

    Rose @

  6. Your hair looks great! Are you planning to go blonde in the future or do you like this colour?


    1. I would like to go blonde in the future. But the hairdresser said because of my hair type I would need to dye it a dark brown first and then keep getting lighter and lighter each time. That sounds like a very long process and I am quite impatient. I would like to try it sometime though to see what I would look like blonde :)

  7. i love the colour :) perfect shade for autumn! x
