Sunday, 28 October 2012


For a while now I have been wanting to get a tragus piercing and last week I finally decided that I was going to get it done this weekend.  I searched around many piercing and tattoo shops and after much searching I came across the perfect shop with great reviews.  So yesterday afternoon nervously, but excitedly, I drove down there ready to get pierced.  Here is the result:

I had psyched myself up so much getting ready for the pain that when it was done, I didn't actually think it was that painful.  But then I can handle pain really well.  The ache and throb afterwards was worse and now my ear and jaw aches a bit but I suspect that will stop hurting after a few days.  I'm so glad I got this piercing as I love it and thinks it looks awesome!

Majorly hanging today as I went to the pub last night and had a few too many ciders and cocktails, then came home and proceeded to share a bottle of wine with a housemate.  Thus I went to sleep at 5.30AM.  Ahhh I love student life, might as well do stuff like that while I can!


  1. YAY! Congrats, my tragus is my favourite piercing :) x

  2. It looks great!! Make sure to take care of it and wash it with the solution they gave you - I didn't and it ended up getting a bubble on it that looked awful so I had to take it out :( my favorite piercing too! xoxo

  3. Well donnne! I had mine pierced a while ago and it healed fine until i tried to shove an earphone in about 4 months later. It ended up going a bit swollen and I got so irritated that i couldnt get my finger in my ear (dont even ask) that i took it out in a moment of madness. Yours looks lovely. Just be careful with headphones! :)

    1. Eeeek that sounds a bit scary! I will be sure to be careful with headphones! Don't think I'll be putting an earphone in that ear for a while, just because I'm very meticulous with infection and keeping it clean haha.

  4. I got this piercing when I was 15 and honestly felt like it was the most painful experience of my life lol, you definitely must handle pain well! I had trouble with mine for ages getting infected and being sore, I think its where I was lying directly on it when I was sleeping. But it all turned out ok and I still have it almost 10 years later with no problems x

    1. Haha really? I did find it painful. But nothing that I couldn't handle :D
      Ahh yes I have been reading that sleeping on that side can irritate so I have been sleeping on the other side which is annoying!
      Glad yours is ok now though!

  5. Looks really nice but i'm a mardy!!


  6. It looks so good! My sister wants this :) xx

  7. You so brave! Don't think I could bare having mine pierced. I agree with you there, might as well make the most of the student lifestyle. I graduated this year and miss the late nights and school day drinking :D xx


    1. Ahh that will be me next year - missing all of that!

  8. Oh my god it looks like it hurts! My friend got an extra piercing in Kathmandu but I had to go out of the room; i couldn't bear to watch :D
    Tagged you in my newest post! x

    1. Haha it did hurt, but was bearable. Worth the pain in my opinion though! What piercing did your friend get?

  9. Oooooooh, you are brave, girly!

    All I've got is my ears pierced. ;)

  10. Hello !! I am your newest follower /

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    MarcBelle Chanelene

  11. i have a tragus piercing too!!
    at the beginning it was so badly infected that i actually wanted to take him out, but that hurded so bad I couldnt even do that!
    but now im glad because i still have him and i still love him :)

    1. Eeeeekk. I am afraid of infections! But so far, so good. Glad that yours cleared up! Does not sound nice!

  12. I'm so glad you finally decided to get your piercing! I have a piercing that I've been thinking about getting for a while (cartilage), but am not sure if I want to commit. Haha. :)

    SWEATshirt DRESSshirt

    1. What cartilage piercing are you thinking of getting?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Haha it's not thaaattt bad. Just don't think about it too much and go for it :D
