Saturday, 26 October 2013

Nose Piercing

I have wanted my nose pierced for a long time but at first I was too scared, then I was looking for a job in a hospital and I did not want them to judge me and not give me the job due to a piercing.  Now I have the job and my nerves are long forgotten, I decided that today would be the day to get pierced.

So I went down to the piercing shop slightly nervous and apprehensive.  It hurt more than any of my other piercings, but it was not too bad, I could go through it again.  My eyes watered a lot during the piercing and for the next hour it felt a bit bruised and painful.  But now, hours later the aching and pain has gone.

At first I thought woah this looks weird on me.  Then after looking in the mirror every five minutes I could not decide if it suits me or not.  Now I love it, even if I still cannot decide if it does suit me.  I suppose I will get used to it.  I am really glad that I decided to get my nose pierced!


  1. Very cute, it suits you!! :)

  2. great post! would you like to follow eachother?

  3. I thinks it looks really nice, I had my nose pierced and I loved wearing it for a few years. I think it really nice to wear when you are young and want to stand out from the crowd.

  4. Oooh, it looks lovely! I got my nose pierced last month myself! It really suits you!

    - Emmy xo | a little yes
