Thursday, 30 May 2013

Fresh Out Of University

Evening! It's been a while!  I haven't written anything here since March... Blimey!

I intentionally took some time out.  With my final exams, assignments and placement I didn't need any distractions, I get distracted easily enough as it is! But two and a half weeks ago my final exam was over, and I was able to relax.  I am now free!  I am neither a student (hopefully! Just waiting on results.) or employed and it feels good... for now.

I have been applying for many jobs, going for interviews all over the country and have been focusing on things that I have put on hold for the last few months, as well as enjoying myself with trips out and relaxing.

So now I have all the time in the world I am back to blogging.  Until I start working, and then I will be earning money and will still have time to blog.

I am going to have a bit of a rejig of this blog in the next few days and instead of blogging about anything and everything, I am going to focus on my development from student to employed, responsible adult, adding in a few areas of interest along the way.

So expect to see some changes here soon!