Saturday, 10 November 2012

Music Favourites

I have abandoned this blog lately.  I have been so busy working hard on placement, trying to do my university work, and trying to maintain my life around work I feel like I have barely had time to eat and sleep let alone blog!  Next week is my last week on placement for a while and I can't wait to have some time away from the hospital (where I work on placement) .  I have a big practical assessment coming up next week so I need to study hard for that and hopefully I will pass and all this stress and hard work will pay off.

Anyway, on to my music favorites of the week (which I normally do on a Friday but was too exhausted last night):

1. Sub Focus - Tidal Wave
Link to Youtube
LOVE Sub Focus, LOVE this track.  I would love to go and see Sub Focus again and hearing this song live would be immense.  

2. Two Door Cinema Club - Sun

3. Rihanna - Diamonds
Link to Youtube
Everyone must have heard this song and I think it is too over played but when I first heard this song on the radio I loved it straight away!  I still sing along every time I hear this song.

4. The Vaccines - Misbehaviour
Link to Youtube

5. AN21 & Max Vangeli Feat. Example - Whisper
Link to Youtube

Let's hope I will have time for more blogging soon!  If you have any music suggestions you think I may like or want me to listen to, then leave your suggestions in the comments!